Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find answers to questions asked to our customer service, practical tips for feeding your dog with PLATINUM dog food prepared with FSG and for feeding your cat with MeatCrisp from the Freshmeatdryer.

Dog Food

In principle, it is possible to feed your dog a combination of the different Fit-Bits varieties. However, due to the corresponding feeding recommendation and the recommended minimum quantity, a maximum of 2 varieties should be given at the same time to dogs up to 30 kg.

Yes, you can mix all PLATINUM foods in one bowl and serve them as one meal.

We recommend giving our functional snacks to dogs from the age of approx. 1 year. If you want to feed our Fit-Bits to your young dog before this age, we recommend consulting your vet.

You can obtain more information on the optimum feeding quantity via our digital food advisor, which calculates your dog's individual requirements quickly and conveniently.

If you switch from wet food to PLATINUM dry food, it is normal for your dog to require more liquid. Although PLATINUM dry food still has a high residual moisture content, it obviously does not contain as much moisture as wet food. It is therefore important that you always provide your four-legged friend with sufficient water.

In general, your dog's drinking behaviour may change temporarily during the transition. If you notice any abnormalities in terms of fluid intake, and you require advice, please contact our veterinary department.

We recommend storing our dry food in the included bag. The food is packed airtight in the bag immediately after production and is not stored temporarily. To keep the contents as fresh and flavourful as possible, our bags have an integrated freshness seal.

Fit-Bits and Click-Bits have a shelf life of 18 months, both open and closed.

All information on the minimum shelf life of PLATINUM snacks can also be found on the product packaging.

For sensitive dogs, we recommend Adult Iberico or Adult Iberico Mini. If you would like a customised solution for your dog, please contact our customer service team at or call our free service number: 0800 158 80 25

In principle, a change is possible at any time. Different varieties can also be fed on the same day. However, we recommend feeding the opened bag first. In addition a selection in the bowl should be avoided, especially during the change phase to Platinum or if there are known intolerances.

The dry food can be kept unopened or opened after production for 18 months until the best-before date. The wet food can be kept unopened for 36 months and can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days after opening.

All information regarding the minimum shelf life of unopened PLATINUM food can also be found on the product packaging.

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