Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find answers to questions asked to our customer service, practical tips for feeding your dog with PLATINUM dog food prepared with FSG and for feeding your cat with MeatCrisp from the Freshmeatdryer.

Dog Food

The choice between all of our varieties is entirely dependent on your dog's taste. You can switch between the adult flavors at any time as you wish, as long as there are no known intolerances. Each of our varieties is a complete feed to meet all of your dogs needs.

The timing of the change from puppy food to adult food depends (among other things) on the expected size and breed of your dog.

Small breeds (such as Dachshunds and Pugs) can be given puppy food up to 12 months of age. Medium-sized dogs (e.g. Australian Shepherds, Border Collies) can usually switch to adult food after they have finished teething (approx. 6 months of age), while large breeds (e.g. Bernese Mountain Dogs, Rhodesian Ridgebacks) can be fed adult food from the age of 4 months.

If you would like a customised solution for your dog, please contact our customer service team at or call our free service number: 0800 158 80 25

If an earlier changeover to an adult food is made, we recommend following the feeding recommendations for puppies until they are 12 months old in order to ensure an adequate supply of nutrients with optimum (and not maximum) growth rates. You can also get more information on optimal feeding via our digital food advisor.

Cats are "creatures of habit". They orientate themselves on what they are used to eating and not on the quality of the food. We therefore recommend the substitution method for the changeover. This involves gradually replacing the familiar cat food with more and more MeatCrisp cat food. This way your cat can slowly get used to the new, natural meat taste of MeatCrisp. The proportional amount of MeatCrisp can be steadily increased over the following days. After about a week, your cat will usually be used to the new food. If, contrary to expectations, your cat still refuses the food, go back to the familiar food and try the changeover in smaller steps. Please do not let your cat starve, as this can be life-threatening for your cat!

We recommend an immediate change in dog food without a transition phase. Due to the different digestibility, it is not recomendable to mix PLATINUM dry food with any other dry food.

You can rely on the fact that no animal experiments are done for the product development and production of our food and care products - neither by us, nor by any other third party.

Cat Food

Cats are obligate carnivores, i.e. meat eaters. They need meat and animal proteins for a complete supply of nutrients. However, cats also consume some of the prey's organs, which means that they also eat other food components (grasses, herbs, cereals, vegetables and fruit) that are beneficial for digestion.

Yes, our MeatCrisp Sterilised has a reduced calorie content and is therefore generally suitable for cats with a lower energy metabolism, especially indoor-only cats and neutered cats.

PLATINUM MeatCrisp is a complete dry food for your cat, which provides the right nutrient composition for the cat's organism. Of course, you can continue to offer your cat wet food in a separate bowl if desired. In our experience, it is not advisable to mix dry food with wet food, as this is often not accepted by cats. For food-sensitive cats, however, the compositions of dry and wet food should not differ too much. In particular, the protein sources (e.g. chicken) should be as identical as possible.

If you want to offer your cat additional variety through wet food, this is possible. Please feed these separately to MeatCrisp and not mixed in one meal.

We currently do not have any snacks for cats in our range. However, our MeatCrisp is very suitable as a small reward or treat for in between meals and can also be used, for example, in “fiddle boards” and other intelligence toys. The croquettes of our dry kitten food are slightly smaller and therefore also good to use as treats.

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