Experiences of other dog owners

Most dog owners first feed a new dog the food it received from the breeder or shelter. That’s correct, because the dog now has to cope with a lot of changes, so he doesn’t need a change of food at the same time. After the acclimatisation period, a decision should be made whether to change or to keep the same brand of food. If you have not yet had any experience with dog food, you will be pleased to hear about the experiences of other dog owners. Here you can read about how dogs have reacted to a certain food. These testimonials are extremely helpful. However, it should be clear that not all dogs react exactly the same to a particular type of food. Nevertheless, experience gives important clues as to which food might be right for your dog.

Experience report from Katharina H. with her dog Hector:

I’ve been using PLATINUM for over a year. My dog tolerates it well and he seems to enjoy it.

It’s always packed carefully and sometimes there’s even an extra treat :) 

We have also made use of the telephone advice service - they take their time and provide personal advice.

We are totally satisfied!

Experience report from Franziska R. with her dog Mika:

We would also like to share our experience with PLATINUM food. After a long search for an easily digestible food for our very sensitive male Labrador, we came across PLATINUM after recommendations from friends and acquaintances, and as recommended, we made the change immediately without mixing PLATINUM with the old food. Against all expectations our little fur-nose tolerated the change really well. No more vomiting after eating and no more diarrhoea. And that’s on top of how well he accepted it. We mainly feed him PLATINUM dry dog food (Iberico+Greens), but in the evening, he also gets the wet food in the practical TetraPak. He particularly enjoys the PLATINUM Snacks, which we use for training. They work for walking at heel almost by themselves. All-round high praise for the good quality and your great service! We will stay with you!

Experience report from Nicole K. with her dog Kira:

After we bought Kira from her previous owners at the age of about 7 months, we switched to PLATINUM wet and dry dog food, as we had already fed our previous dog with it. The dry dog food Kira was fed by her previous owner made her thirsty, and she also smelled. We have been very satisfied customers for many years, because your food is of very high quality, is enjoyed and well tolerated. Kira loves having the dry dog food as a reward. At lunchtime she gets a portion of wet food, which is always eagerly awaited. We can recommend PLATINUM with a clear conscience, as we consider it to be the best food brand. Our previous dog reached the age of 16 and we are convinced that PLATINUM contributed to this great age. A big THANK YOU - keep up the good work!

Experience report from Sylvia W. with her dog Benny:

I have been using PLATINUM for several years. I wanted to change over to completely grain-free dry food, but I reverted regretfully.
No other food made his skin and coat as beautiful as PLATINUM Chicken. Our Benny shines, does not smell, doesn't have dandruff and his output is also okay.

I remain impressed by Platinum

and hope that this high-quality food will be around for a long time.
Another big plus for me is the really fast delivery. I can't remember ever having waited longer than 3 days.

Experience report from Pamela B. with Egar Bär von der Gonheide:

Dear team, we have two Newfoundland who are now five years old. One of them had been getting smaller and smaller open spots under his coat since we bought him, the doctor said it was an allergy to something. We tried the more expensive anti-allergenic food without cereals, gluten etc. However, the ingredients made us suspicious, especially because they didn't stop the allergy. The other dog has had significant problems with his joints from an early age. 

After I read an interesting book about the nutrition of wolves, I completely changed my mind. Both now get PLATINUM dry dog food Iberico + Greens in the morning and raw beef, turkey and chicken in the evening. 

This combination is excellent! No more allergies for half a year. Joints are no longer an issue either. We also add herbal joint supplements to the food.

And when we travel and can't get hold of fresh meat, we combine the great Iberico + Greens and the practical wet food. Thank you, PLATINUM! We will remain loyal!

Experience report from Cornelia W. with her dog Uno:

Uno is a playful and lively fox terrier. Food isn’t just about nutrition for him, he loves his treats. We have already used PLATINUM dry dog food in the dog school to reward him for obeying commands or to motivate him for new tricks. He also loves it when we put them into his food ball, and he has to roll it to release little bits.

We add some of the small juicy portion cups to each order. These are served on special days as “feasts”. Yes, Uno is a little spoiled.

PLATINUM helps with that: we regularly receive our parcel delivered automatically to our home. Always first-class service and quality. And if we postpone our subscription for a few days, the service team is always friendly and helpful. Thank you, PLATINUM!

Experience report from Anke L. with her dog Lady:

My little Russian Toy Terrier, Lady, loves her PLATINUM food. 

She tolerates it also very well 

and doesn't have any dandruff, which is unfortunately often the case with other food.

I am very happy and will keep using PLATINUM.

Experience report from Yvonne S. with her dog Sally:

We have been using PLATINUM wet and dry dog food since we got our dog in 2015. No matter what flavour, she enjoys eating it and tolerates it very well. 

Many people notice that Sally has a beautiful shiny coat 

and I think this is mainly due to her diet.

We usually add a little “sauce” from the wet food to the dry food, which she really loves :)

Experience report from Gabriele E. with his dog Ella:

Since 2016, we are the first-time dog owners of an Elo female dog from the Spreewald. We started with barf feeding, which was recommended by the breeder, but after a few months Ella's eating behaviour became very bad and we were quite concerned. Our vet recommended PLATINUM as he gave it to his own dogs. We tried it and with PLATINUM wet and dry dog food, Ella has become a beautiful adult lady dog who brings us a lot of joy. We can take her with us anywhere and she has become a real member of the family. 

Many thanks to Platinum for making our dog feel good!

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